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哈爾濱工業大學生命科學中心成立於2016年,作為學校首個學術特區,生命科學中心具有相對獨立的學術、人事和財務自主權以及研究生培養體系。在2019、2020年US News世界大學排名中,哈爾濱工業大學生物學與生物化學全國排名穩居前十。 目前生命科學中心擁有最先進的科研支撐平臺,保障每位PI能夠自由地開展具有長遠、重大影響的學術前沿研究。平臺包括:冷凍電鏡系統(Krios G3i 300kv和Talo Arctica G2 200kv各一臺)、影像分析系統(雷射共聚焦顯微鏡、超高解析度顯微鏡、雙光子共聚焦顯微鏡、光纖活體共聚焦螢光顯微鏡、高解析度小動物超聲光聲成像儀、小動物活體成像、流式細胞儀等)、質譜分析系統(Orbitrap Fusion Lumos, FT-ICR MS 和MALDI-TOF/TOF MS各一臺)、核磁共振系統(Bruker Avance 600MHZ)、SPF動物房等。 生命科學中心面向海內外招聘在神經科學、微生物與免疫學、生物物理與結構生物學(冷凍電鏡方向)、代謝組學、化學生物學、納米生物材料和細胞組織工程、蛋白質組學、DNA損傷與修復、基因組編輯,以及與人類疾病相關的基礎研究或轉化應用領域等基礎生物醫學研究領域有建樹、有潛力的青年科學家,為其提供具有國際競爭力的研究設施、配套經費和多學科融合的創新環境,力爭在較短時間內使生命科學中心發展成為國際一流的生命科學研究機構。 應聘條件 應聘者需有博士或醫學博士學位以及數年博士後或獨立科研工作經驗,在近幾年內取得具有國際影響力的科學研究成果,能夠獨立開展創新性研究,並具備幾年內達到該學科的國際一流水平的潛力。 條件待遇 1.有國際競爭力的年薪:稅前50萬元-75萬元; 2.充足的科研啟動經費:提供1000萬元的研究經費(200萬/年,5年聘期,聘期內可不必申請額外經費),用於實驗室試劑、耗材、人員聘用、小型設備的購置等; 3.同類高校更優勢的住房保障:提供50-70平米的周轉房,安家費A類:110萬元,B類:60萬元; 4.寬敞的實驗室空間:提供≥150平米的獨立實驗和辦公空間; 5.招生招聘政策傾斜:支持每位PI每年博士招生1-2人,碩士招生2-3人,實驗室人員招聘可自主聘任博士後、技術員; 6.優質的基礎教育資源:適齡子女優先安排入讀哈工大幼兒園、哈工大附小和哈工大附屬中學,協助安排配偶進校內工作; 7.堅實的醫療保障服務:學校擁有附屬黑龍江省醫院、附屬哈爾濱市第一醫院和哈爾濱工業大學醫院。 註:有重大突出業績的優秀人才,待遇一事一議。 評價考核 PI聘任採取合同制,聘期五年,聘期結束進行國際同行評估,評估合格者將續聘。 聯繫方式: 申請者需將求職信一封、個人詳細簡歷、發表的論文、三個推薦人姓名及聯繫方式和研究計劃一份,發至。招聘一直有效,直至招滿。 Tenure-track Positions at The HIT Center for Life Sciences, China The HIT Center for Life Sciences (HCLS) was founded in 2016. As the first special academic zone of Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), HCLS is empowered by unparalleled freedom in research, graduate program, personnel employment and financial flexibility within the university. According to 2019,2020 US News Rankings of Best Global Universities, HIT’s Biology and Biochemistry was ranked in the top ten in China. HCLS has established state-of-the-art core facilities to enable each PI to freely pursue cutting-edge research of long-term major impact, including Cryo-Electron Microscopy Platform equipped with Krios G3i 300kv and Talo Arctica G2 200kv. Imaging Platform equipped with Super-resolution Laser Confocal Microscope, Laser Confocal microscope, 2-photon Laser confocal Microscope, Fiber Living Laser Confocal Microscope, FACS, Living Imaging System for Small Animals,High resolution ultrasound photoacoustic Imaging System for Small Animals. Mass Spectrometry Platform equipped with Orbitrap Fusion Lumos, FT-ICR MS, MALDI-TOF/TOF MS. Nuclear Magnetic Technology Platform equipped with Bruker Avance 600MHz. SPF Animal Room. HCLS is seeking outstanding young PIs from all over the world. HCLS offers an internationally competitive start-up package and multidisciplinary innovative environment. The positions are open to all biological disciplines in Neuroscience, Microbiology and Immunology, Biophysics and Structural Biology (esp. Cryo-EM), Metabolomics, Chemical Biology, Nanotechnology and Tissue Engineering, Proteomics, DNA Damage and Repair, Genome Editing and translational research. HCLS is committed to being a world-class fundamental life science research institution. Qualifications 1.Ph.D. or M.D. degree or equivalent plus postdoctoral experience. 2.Excellent record of research accomplishments. 3.Great potentials in biomedical fields. Package 1. International competitive salary:500,000-750,000 CNY (tax included). 2. Sufficient Start-up fund: 10,000,000 CNY (2,000,000 CNY per annum for laboratory personnel, equipment, consumables and reagents as needed. No need to apply for additional funds during the appointment). 3. Better housing security:A temporary furnished apartment (50-70 m2) and settlement allowance(Level A: 1,100,000 CNY, Level B: 600,000 CNY) will be provided. 4. Spacious Lab space and office space:150 m2 or larger. 5. Guaranteed graduate student quota:Each PI will allowed to accept up to 1-2 Ph.D students and 2-3 M.S. students. Postdoctoral and technical personnel can be recruited independently. 6.Advanced education resources:HCLS will assist with arranging daycare or school for child and job for spouse. 7.Solid medical security services:There are Harbin Institute of Technology Hospital and 2 affiliated hospitals to the University which are Heilongjiang Provincial Hospital, Harbin First Hospital. Note: For candidates with exceptional accomplishment, the package can be negotiable. Evaluation The initial appointment for PIs will be 5 years with full funding support from HIT. Permanent position will be obtained upon passing reviews by an international committee. How to apply Applications in English as PDF files including a cover letter, a full CV, publication Applications in English as PDF files including a cover letter, a full CV, publication list, three referees and a statement of future research plans should be sent to Prof. Zhiwei Huang (, and indicate the 「PI application」 in the email subject. The application will open until filled.












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